BOTTOM-UP participation by women living in and shaping urban spaces.

The Brussels urban environment should be shaped by all its inhabitants, the demographics of those implementing urbanism should be representative of the city. We believe that including women, and especially women who are usually not heard, is not only the right thing to do but has the potential to improve the way the urban environment serves its users, both women and men.
We want to know, when are you comfortable or when do you feel like you cannot be what or who you would like to be in the city? We want to hear how you move through and interact with your urban environment, how you enjoy that space, what is good and what could be improved. Did you already come up with projects yourself to improve the public space in your commune? Let us know!
For this project to be truly transformative, we need to hear your voice no matter how you identify or what social groups you belong to; no matter where you're from or what language you speak. We are at the same time a platform to amplify voices, a learning network to promote this information globally, and a movement to actually effect change. Are you a professional in urbanism? An architect? A designer or planner? Mobility expert? Join the movement and share your thoughts and experiences.
We aim to create a space, both virtual and physical where you can communicate your experience in whatever way suits you best whilst also being a part of creating the solutions to these problems. These include:
periodic briefings from and to relevant departments of Brussels' public administration
regular polls and surveys
conversations between experts and women living in Brussels, online and offline when possible
events to discuss women in urbanism, problems as well as potential solutions
an ongoing conversation on social media, through our newsletter and website, and through our participation in community events
any feedback, knowledge, experience or contact you would like to share
If you want to get involved, reach out tu us by mail, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on our social media.
This is a safe space, where no problem is 'too small' or experience too individual.
We want to hear it all -in any language- and we are looking forward to hearing from you and centering your voice in this change!